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    Serving land owners in:

  • Virginia

  • Maryland

  • Delaware

  • Pennsylvania

  • New Jersey





Evergreen Environmental was formed for the purpose of building wetland and stream mitigation banks.  In addition, we will assist clients who need on or off site mitigation by locating sites, designing, building and guaranteeing their performance.


"We combine the discipline of a well run business with

a passion for the environment."


Our primary goal in restoring and enhancing wetlands and streams is to build systems which will continue to function without future intervention - long after our legal requirement to monitor and guarantee the site has expired. 


If you are a landowner or developer and think you own a site which might be suitable for wetland or stream mitigation, please contact us


If you are an applicant for a permit that requires mitigation and would like to know more about how Evergreen Environmental can help you, please contact us.



Evergreen Environmental is a proud member of the

National Mitigation Banking Association